+91 768 090 9876info@ssvpkbkm.com

Need Your Heartful Help...

Become a Volunteer

“Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours; Yours are the eyes through which to look out with Christ's compassion to the world; Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men now.”” — Teresa of Ávila

The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.” Volunteerism, therefore, is the heart of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and our work helping neighbors in need.

Help the People With Us

Need Your Heartful Help

Volunteers are vital to gather resources and for our work to feed, clothe, house and heal people in need. Just as important, we believe that the experience of volunteering is life-giving and life-changing. That's why we created a wide range of volunteer opportunities to fit all ages and all lifestyles. In addition, we intentionally foster meaningful service experiences that give both volunteers and program guests the joy of community and connection.

With a wide range of needs across the communities, there are many ways to share your time, talent and skills. Explore various service opportunities and find the right fit, whether you are volunteering alone, with your family or with a group!

Experience the joy of service.

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